Fantage Updates

Yo it’s Quint.

I have some news for you guys!

Alley777 posted on her Instagram that her account had been permanently banned. This is her Instagram post:


I will be planning on emailing Fantage to tell them to unban her because the real alley doesn’t need to be banned. She was also in the middle of doing a Christmas giveaway. Feel free to email them too!

There’s been some racist people saying things like Muslims and Jews or blacks don’t belong on the train.  I saw someone in uptown calling all mymall people poo and monkey faces. I thought that was pretty funny.

There was an Instagram story of a guy in downtown saying a certain girl who you might have seen around cutie_cat228 that she scams.

She commented saying she didn’t scam and the guy likes to start stuff. I did not get a good look at his username but the only thing I saw was kys_al.

When I asked her bf to ask her if she knew the user she said she didn’t see the user. What I noticed was that he was wearing the blonde non hair, the blue and white polo shirt, I think those brown eyes, and the basic orange and white board.

If you ever see someone that looks like that please feel free to tell me. He could also have been the one saying the rumors about me and my friends in downtown.

Also once again I have made a petition for youtube to bring back the slideshow option. Here’s the link once again:

It really means a lot to me if you sign! 🙂 Two more days until Christmas! Merry Christmas and if I don’t post again have a happy New Year! What are you guys planning to do? What did you ask for? I’m hoping to renew my membership.

Quint out

Announcements and Glitches


I am back with a bit of news.

I have made a petition for youtube. They used to have an option for slideshows and they took it away at the start of fall because they thought no one used it. But I have found it useful and I know some people who want to use it or want it back. Here’s the link to my petition if you want to sign it:

My friends on Fantage have  been experiencing some weird Fantage glitches. I experienced one just about an hour ago. You know that in the messaging your friends chat it gives you an option to change the color. When you select one of the following colors it is supposed to show through when you say it and your friend should see the other color. For some reason when she used one of blue ones it did not go through as blue to me. It showed up as black with no color. When she used other colors it showed through as that color. My other friend who I might have mentioned alliesnice said that her friends had been telling her she had been popping up in their houses when she hadn’t gone to any of their houses. Then just this morning I found I had some lucky bot coupons and I got some ecoins. I went to buy two things the waldo style top and the hip muscle tank one and for some reason it told me I had bought the hip leather jacket. I know I hadn’t bought it.

There was an event where Fantage had released items at 10 and 4 pm. It was supposed to have ended yesterday which might mean the Christmas event will be released. There was something going on with it a few days ago. One of the items was not that much gold and yesterday’s item was a red carpet  board. Here’s a picture:


Someone who I will not reveal who it was asked asuie about the rumors and the instagram post and this is what she said:sai

Her friend from youtube elsa said to me that she had told her that untrue rumor. She said she hadn’t been on Fantage for two to three weeks. She also says above that she doesn’t even know her meaning you elsa. This isn’t true because as you can see in the picture:


She did go on our youtube channels saying that she deleted all of her friends because she is really leaving Fantage next year because she has to do something.

So far I haven’t seen much hackers activity. There was someone named greasemask who I guessed was my friend san.

Quint out

Mymall Got Hacked/Glitchy

Yo it’s Quint.

If you went to Mymall yesterday you might have experienced this strange thing. When you would go in the door you would see everyone like usual. But would you expect them to start vanishing? No so here’s what happened.

People who were in Mymall would be there and then they would start vanishing. Some people could see only themselves. Here’s a picture I took while it was happening:


As you can see there is many animals in the picture and a username but you do not see anyone else. If you opened the current room you would see everyone who was there talking. They were all scared, mad or in general not knowing what was going on. I suspected it was a hacker but I also considered the possibility Fantage had another glitch.

People started saying it was diddy but I did not believe it was him. I believe diddy is a good guy and doesn’t do that anymore. I’ve seen him in mymall doing sad faces from the safe chat options. I said hello to him and he replied with that.  I asked a few people who were rumored to be hackers and they said it was nammy. Fantage had patched the stealing items hack but they didn’t patch this new one.  After a while it had stopped and it was back to normal. I had recorded it on my youtube channel so feel free to go there and watch it if you want. Nammy was seen later in mymall. I believe he was _________x and he was fighting with h_u_s_k_y.

A few times people would be trading in Mymall and their items would get taken in the middle of the trade. This is not unusual for Mymall trades. If you’re going to trade with someone be as fast as you can so you don’t lose it.

If you see anyone in Fantage talking about me or anything important that you think I should be told about please feel free to screenshot it and send it to my email address. I’m always looking at my email so it’s

There is one more issue I have to talk about. I don’t want to get into much detail but have any of you seen a girl wearing a blonde ponytail with the username lucia or lexia in Mymall? If so please tell me somehow. I thought it might have been lexialove but when I talked to her about why I wanted to talk to her she said she didn’t know.

Quint out




Back Atcha


I’m back with some things.

I found out the axbree thing was not a rumor. It was real because people have been saying it in Mymall and through sources it has been proved true.

I have not seen many hackers around except san and his usual accounts and nammy and his usual accounts. He was in Mymall attempting to trade. I think he is likely to scam you so don’t trade him.

I am going to talk about rumors that I have heard about me and my videos. Someone is telling me who it was and if I ask her about it she will lie about it. Here are the rumors that I have heard:

  1.  That I play as my gf Nate and that I play as my friend Haze
  2.  That I am a fake friend to asuie

Like I have said before my friends come to my house and don’t bring their computers so we have to use my computer. It looks like I play as my friends but I don’t. I have told this girl many times that I don’t play as Nate or Haze. But yet she still keeps saying things to a VIP girl. I am pretty sure she is saying it to britney2216 so if you see her please tell her about this post and my side of the thing with asuie.

I have heard in the past that I’m a fake friend to asuie. Yes I have attempted to end our friendship many times because I don’t trust her reasons above and every time I do that she tells her friends that I hurt her. She has hurt me many times and that’s why I delete her constantly.

Yesterday there was two fights in mymall with her. One was a Instagram group of friends who were together and she called them white when none of them were white. That started a whole fight. Then there was another one with axbree and golddxigger who you all might have heard of. She had another account a long time ago named ftnalu who got hacked long time ago. Please if you see asuie saying anything about me or my friends please tell me on here or send it to my email. It’s

There has been some people saying that people are asking for their personal information. If anyone asks you that here’s some suggestions for you:

  1. Report and ignore the user.
  2. Send an email to Fantage.
  3. Tell the person you are not allowed to say that to them.
  4. Warn people who it was.

I also want to start a Fantage drama series but I have no accounts that are good enough to use. I want to use some of the old Fantage items like the blonde flipped cut, the stylish brown  hair, or the Ian Style hair with headphones and maybe something like the tire boards. If you know of an account that has one of these things or maybe all please send me the username and password to my email which was listed above. I do not hack. I have never hacked in my life and don’t ever want to.

Let me say one more thing: I am not bothered by the rumors. I know what is true and what is not. The person saying the rumors doesn’t know my life and shouldn’t be attempting to turn people against me using things they basically don’t know. People have been telling me I’m getting played like a fool and my friends suggest I should report her to the police for harrassment. Let me know what you think!

Quint out