Fantage Loc Explained

Yea it’s Quint here Nothing much has changed bff16

Anyway you guys must have noticed a while ago that there was this one dude with his bestie. He could make his bestie swear and my friends would see him do weird glitches like change skin wherever he went or get so high above everyone while he was changing. Doing some detective work I figured out some things. His user was its_loc. His main acc was ravonte. I made a entire video on him. He didn’t like me or my fellow youtube friend because we liked to record him. He call my friend and I a byesh and threaten to hack me with a backup acc. When he did the swear thing with his bestie it caused a lot of chaos in downtown with people laughing and more. Eventually someone told Fantage who permanently banned him. People suspected it was cherryrosie with no evidence. Sometime between that he started duplicating items and people who hang out in mymall everyday to buy or talk or spy (like me bwahha) yes moonshinezodiac i still do that 😛  and whoever bought his knowing or not they would get permanently banned.  Example? He sold his gf Lea aka Lea131, gaby2468, sovernigty, and now _222 msh for a way higher level. She bought it and  got permanently banned. Loc came back with many other accs and then with another acc he hacked his levels and beat gianna41295 and drew4011. Aurora3 who was in 3rd place poofed and people were saying she got permanently banned for buying a duped item when she didn’t know. Many people have been getting hacked or permanently banned. Here’s a few people who got permanently banned:

steven1483 who didn’t do anything

kaitlin10047 shinypikachu101’s backup account who also didn’t do anything

and many others comment down below who else you know got permanently banned. There’s been these two or three hackers who will say i’ll give you eighty billion gold if you tell me your password. One of them hacked my friend nick770503 and tried to convince me to tell my password. I told them it was getalife1 and they threatened to hack me. Here’s some people to watch out for:


olivia66273 or something I’m sorry idk her user



Fantage keeps banning loc and he keeps coming back as richboii, ultimateloc, legendaryloc, etc. He’s our friend now. Also on Instagram they have been banning loc’s instagram accounts etc fantageloccc and now Fantagegod. This secret group dupedfantage have been saying things about loc. Lemme show you:


Fantage has “told” this secret group that they have called the police on Loc and are looking for him. They are probably going to arrest him. Their bio as owners are described as X,Y, and Z. It is smart because if they actually said their users Loc and his group of friends who probably aren’t really his friends they just don’t want to be hacked cough cough will give them lots of hate. I will probably get a lot of hate for exposing Loc a little but it’s worth it. Fantage has put mymall “under construction”. Some people think it is because of free premium member week but the true reason is that Fantage is trying to block Loc from hacking mymall so they are coming up with something worse LOL or “better” to them. People have been spreading rumors that tns Trade and sell or Vintage are coming back. Anyway that’s all for now. Comment down below what else you know about loc or anything i have talked about.

quint out

4 thoughts on “Fantage Loc Explained”

  1. Loc is an idiot who no one in there right mind would trust. I have been doing a lot of research on this subject. Darkmoon, or something, on Youtube has a lot of i_am_loc videos showing rude things HE says downtown.

    He is obviously has a way with computers, and there are a lot of suspicions on how he does it… I’m not sure why he would do something like this but it has certainly gotten out of control and their is no reason why he should be doing what he is currently doing.


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